Assoc. Professor Kucel hands over office

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Assoc. Professor Kucel hands over office

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The outgoing Deputy Vice Chancellor, AA&R, Assoc. Prof. Samuel Baker Kucel (L) hands over to the Vice Chancellor (R) during the ceremony on 14th August 2023



The outgoing Deputy Vice Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Samuel Baker has handed over office to the Vice Chancellor. Assoc. Prof. Kucel has served as Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research for ten years starting from August 2013  to August 2023.

The outgoing Deputy Vice Chancellor, AA&R, Assoc.Prof. Samuel Baker Kucel presents his handover report


In his handover remarks, Assoc. Prof. Kucel thanked the Chancellor, Prof. Nantulya  for considering him fit to serve in such a capacity. “For the last ten years, I have had my singular honour to contribute to the elevation of Busitema University in its pursuit to optimise its potential as a centre of academic and professional.”

He acknowledged the support of the University Council as led by the various Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons as well as the top organ’s professionalism in playing its oversight role over Management.

Dr. Kucel equally thanked colleagues in Management for the team spirit and collegial support rendered to him throughout his term as DVCAA&R. He particularly thanked the Vice Chancellor for his leadership.

Presenting his handover report, Assoc. Prof. Kucel highlighted some of his achievements including; operationalization of the Office of DVC AA&R with support from top organs of the University; development of appropriate policies, guidelines, structures and processes for provision of a conducive and sound academic environment for both; supported  development the research capacity of academic staff through training, mentorship and award of competitive research grants; and spearheaded implementation of ODeL activities that has seen many academic staff getting involved in teaching online through the Learning  Management System.


Member of Top Management and Directors who witnessed the handover ceremony


According to Dr. Kucel , there were several pending tasks that the incoming Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Research should follow up on. These included; Advocating for a boost in budget ceilings for faculties and institutes to take care of justifiable and quantifiable parameters; following up on involvement of the Grants Management Committee in planning for research grants awards, award of research grants and in monitoring and evaluation of the processes; and continuous training of staff to enhance their skills on examination planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment; research supervision; curriculum design and delivery.


