Dr. Saphine Biira attends UNESCO Conference in Kigali Rwanda at Serena Hotel.
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The African Continental Conference on Basic Sciences for Transformation organized by UNESCO as one of the conferences of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD).
The two day conference from 13 to 14 June 2023, was graced by international delegates, notably senior representatives of UNESCO, TWAS, ICTP, and OWSD, scientists and researchers including early career scientists from other African countries, including Uganda.
I was honor to speak on the “Importance of Basic Sciences and Promoting Basic Sciences among Women and Girls in Africa”
The purpose of the conference was to demonstrate developing science and technology will support economic growth, including increased trade and investment opportunities to support the growth of regional economies and the creation of job opportunities. The focus of this conference was on the transformative effect of Basic Sciences and their importance in the development of the continent of Africa and the world at large. The conference was opened by the Rwandan Mister of Education Hon. Dr. Valentine Uwamariya.