Busitema University Student tops StartHub Africa Student Innovators, bags Ugx 2.5M

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Busitema University Student tops StartHub Africa Student Innovators, bags Ugx 2.5M

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Busitema University Student tops StartHub Africa Student Innovators, bags Ugx 2.5M

Busitema University Student emerges top winner in the National Inter-University pitch event at StartHub Africa Launchpad. The innovator of the “NedTech” emerged the winner out of the 12 student innovators from six different universities in Uganda. NedTech, an innovation that offers a networked temperature sensor. This innovation won Shs2.5 million as a grant to further its operations.

Full article at Nilepost “StartHub launchpad dishes out shs10m to student innovators” 

Learn more about Starthub Africa 
