Office of the University Secretary


The University and other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001, as amended, requires each Public University to have a University Secretary, who is appointed by the University Council on the recommendation of the Appointments Board of that University and on terms and conditions determined by the University Council. As such, Mr. Matsiko Abert Mutungwire is the current Busitema University University Secretary. Mr. Matsiko's areas of expertise are; staff recruitment and selection, administration of entitlements/benefits, and providing policy advice and guidance to both staff and management. He supports workforce planning, budgeting, staff training and development, performance and management, employee relationships, administration of justice, human resources information systems, planning, organizing, and providing oversight responsibility to timely delivery outputs with clear performance indicators linked to the strategic direction of Busitema University. The major mandate of this office is the  general administration of the University, including the custody of the seal and administration of its assets. Besides, the University Secretary serves as the Secretary to the University Council as well as an Accounting Officer of the University. The University Secretary is responsible to the Vice Chancellor

Mr. Abert Mutungwire Matsiko
University Secretary