Busitema University seeks to recruit a creative, knowledgeable, and accomplished academic leader, with strong multi-disciplinary relationships and experiences, to serve as the First Deputy Vice Chancellor in-charge of Academic Affairs (DVCAA). The DVC-AA is a senior academic and administrative appointment. The incumbent shall assist the Vice Chancellor to provide leadership towards the University Vision and to lead the University-wide strategic and operational efforts to support and enhance academic life and promote academic excellence.
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The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration) (DVC-FA) shall assist the Vice Chancellor in the performance of his or her functions and in that regard shall oversee the finances and administration of the University. The DVCFA shall be responsible for the planning and development of the University.
This is a file that contains full advert for the job advert for procurement manager - Procurement and Disposal Unit
This is the list of non Ugandans admitted 2023 per Country
This is the list for admitted students from outside Uganda
The office of the academic registrar has released the semester calendar for academic year 2022/2023 and 2023/2024
Busitema University invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for...
I take the opportunity on behalf of Busitema University to congratulate you upon your admission to Busitema University whose Vision and Motto are “A Center of Academic and Professional Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation” and “Pursuing Excellence” respectively. Busitema University is a Public University established by Statutory Instrument No.22, 2007 enacted by Parliament on10th May, 2007. The University is a multi-campus model within seven campuses in the following locations
The Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation in conjunction with the Faculty of Management Science, the host unit of Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration and Management (PhD, BAM) successfully carried out a PhD Research Proposal defence on Monday, 10th July 2023. Research Proposal defence is a second important phase after the presentation and defence of the Concept Note leading to full admission into the doctoral studentship.
All admitted students are requested to come along with there original academic documents alongside their former institution identity card to pick the admission letters from Busitema Campus. The admission letters for those listed students will be ready by Tue, 1st/August/2023.